Henrik, MSc, has worked mainly
with wireless connectivity applications, but
also with wire line systems, both as an engineer
and manager during the last 20 years. He is
extremely experienced in system architecture,
in addition to being specialized in writing
and reviewing specifications and hold three
patents. During five years he was appointed
elected counselor in the Bluetooth Architect
Review Board (BARB) within the Bluetooth SIG.
He handles qualification and regulatory tasks
worldwide. Pre-studies on radio technology vs
requirements on the system is part of everyday
work. Henrik now works as the entrepreneurial
manager and project leader for our customer
and EU projects, both mobile and industrial
+++++ Short range radio specifications and applications
in Bluetooth Classic/Smart, AGPS, system architecture
and its impact on system and coexistence performance,
user interfaces and usability for mobile applications.
Management, project and contractual lead.
++++ Patent handling, lock systems, software,
hardware and RF components and design
+++ Chip development
Markus, MSc, is a very appreciated
Scrum Master, system engineer and has worked
with design and development of host-based and
embedded wireless applications for the last
15 years. He is skilled in taking on new environments
and resolving issues on customer platforms,
and has major expertise in AGPS, Bluetooth Classic/Smart
and Cellular. Lately he has been working with
Scrum management of system development, software
design for cellular radio-infrastructure and
also system architect for continuous integration
connectivity test systems.
+++++ System specification, architecture and
software design for embedded components and
for PCs, RTOS/Android/Linux, uC, tooling, C,
C++, Java and numerous other languages. Development,
continuous integration and verification, Jenkins,
Sonar, Maven, ANT, JSON and 3rd party SW on
cellular systems, mobiles, PC platforms and
++++ Hardware, I/F, Cellular and WiFi protocols,
Low power design, wireless tooling
+++ RF
Erik, MSc, MSc, has worked
with system/software design and development
of host-based and low power embedded wireless
applications for the last 15 years. He is skilled
in supporting and working with all major customer
platforms and has expertise in Bluetooth Classic/Smart,
GPS, WiFi and Cellular. Erik was the architect
and designer of a highly embedded Bluetooth
Smart system for our customer and is also involved
in support tasks directly to other major customers.
System verification of cellular infrastructure
is also a part of Erik knowledge base.
+++++ Integration, software design and debugging
for embedded Bluetooth Classic/Smart applications
running on all major OS/RTOS and uC, tooling,
Low power design, C, C++, Java and demonstrators
++++ System specification, hardware, I/F, Cellular
and WiFi protocols and wireless system verification
+++ Components
Jonas, MSc, has past experience
with power regulators and other supporting systems,
but has over the last 20 years worked mainly
with wireless connectivity applications as a
development and applications engineer. He is
extremely skilled in hardware and software system
debugging. Jonas has developed PC software/hardware
tooling for customer support and has long expertise
in Bluetooth Classic/Smart, GPS and WiFi. Web
server design for internet mobile applications
and IT development has also been a major task
for Jonas during the last ten years.
+++++ Hardware, software tooling and automated
test systems, voice coding, all major interfaces
used in mobile application chip set and components.
Bluetooth Classic/Smart, Server development,
Jenkins, Sonar, Maven, ANT, JSON, MySQL, graphics,
web design and Java scripting.
++++ Power regulators, clock systems, WiFi and
Cellular, wireless system verification tooling,
lock systems
+++ Chip development, RF
Sven-Arne, MSc, has worked
with various analogue devices such as power
regulators and wireline components and applications
since 1970, and has during the last 20 years
been specialized in RF applications as a design
and applications engineer. He is extremely skilled
in RF design close to the antenna, verification
and tooling for customer support. Sven-Arne
has genuine expertise in discrete radio components
for connectivity in mobile phone RF systems.
He currently works with RF support for Bluetooth
and GPS implementation in mobile applications.
Additionally, he creates reference designs,
measurements, BOM, and reviews schematics for
customers worldwide.
+++++ Discrete optimized analogue components,
RF measurements, analogue design/layout, complex
RF, antennas, system verification and customer
++++ Hardware tooling and demonstrators
+++ Software tools
Peter, MSc, has worked with
numerous analogue and wireline applications
since 1985, and has focused on RF design, layout
and verification over the last 20 years. He
is extremely skilled in RF verification, automation,
hardware, software, and tooling for development,
and has expertise in GPS, FMR, Bluetooth Classic/Smart,
WiFi, RFID and mobile phone RF systems. Peter
has lately been working with cellular infrastructure
test development of an automated RF validation
systems and the following verification. Furthermore,
RF testing and design support for connectivity
implementations has been part of the daily work.
+++++ RF design and analogue validation and
verification, analogue design/layout with correct
impedance network, complex RF, Bluetooth Classic/Smart,
antenna design & measurements and LabVIEW
automated test systems
++++ RF simulation, Antenna simulation, PCB
layout, component specifications, Matlab, RFID/NFC,
lock systems, hardware tooling and documentation.
Production and purchasing handling.
+++ Customer support
Yasir, MSc, came from University
doing his thesis work at Sweden Connectivity
in 2012. and he has mainly worked with design
and development of host-based wireless applications.
Yasir has specialist knowhow in Continuous Integration
systems, Java and application development for
Android and other OS-systems e.g. iOS with Objective-C.
He is right now working within one of our EU
projects (MUSES) with continuous system integration
and App and com layer development.
+++++ Software design, TCP/IP communication,
object oriented programming, LAMP server, Jenkins,
Sonar, Maven, ANT, JSON, secure transport https,
Apps for Android and iOS on mobile phone platforms,
Linux, continuous integration and test system
++++ GUI design, MySQL, Windows and SW development
+++ RTOS, Bluetooth Classic/Smart, and hardware
Pontus, MSc, Exam in Scientific
engineering at Uppsala Universitet. He has been
working for Sweden Connectivity during his studies
made his thesis work at Ericsson and worked
for consultancy company netlight. Pontus is
very capable in developing back-end servers,
Android Apps and IoT embedded systems. As a
person Pontus does thorough design specifications
and is very accurate in the design and development
phase. He is self-driven but at the same time
very good at communicating targets and results.
Pontus is fast in getting into new code and
understands quickly w/o knowing all the details.
He takes initiatives during a project to secure
that the project is on target.
+++++ Java, Java EE, Server development, TCP/IP
communication, REST API, JSON, SW integration,
Python, Linux, SQLite, MySQL, Glassfish, JSON,
Eclipse, Git
++++ Linux/BASH, Ruby on Rails, Swift, Hibernate,
HTTP(s), git, C/C++, CI, Jenkins, XML, svn JavaScript,
Android studio, Gradle, CI system, Jenkins,
Sonar, Maven, ANT, SVN
+++ RTOS, Bluetooth Classic/LE
Jan, MSc, has been working
for Ericsson with IC design and verification
and for other companies doing RFIC design and
verification during 15 years. The last five
years Jan has been working more with programming
and verification of software/firmware and Apps.
+++++ Analog RFIC design, UI automator for Android,
UI automation for iOS, electronics measurements
e.g. oscilloscope, noise analyzer, spectrum
analyzers etc.
++++ Java , C, Jenkins, Bash script
+++ Android, Bluetooth Smart